The ZA Domain Name Authority (ZADNA) shall convene an awards ceremony to honour participants of the .za namespace in 2024 under the following categories and criteria:
2024 .za Top DNS Personality
The .za Top DNS Personality Award recognises a highly respected and outstanding ICT professional who has made a significant technical or academic contribution to the .za namespace over several years.
Top emerging RAR
This Award recognises a new entry Registrar that has seen consistent growth in domain names for the 2024 FY (Strictly for small businesses)
Best-designed and accessible Website
The website should have a simple, straightforward navigation layout with a logical hierarchy and a search function.
It should be responsive to different screen sizes and devices, minimize page load times by compressing pictures and optimizing code, and adhere to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) to provide accessibility for those with disabilities.
Top .za Registrar
This category will be a recognition to both large and small RARS who have contributed to the growth of the .za namespace in the previous financial year (2024)
.zadna will select winners based on retention and growth in domain name registrations
This is a past event
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